Chemo, round 2

Hello! We met with my oncologist today, and he is recommending that I go through chemo again. I will be on the same regimen as last time, with one additional drug. I will begin on March 30 and receive 12 treatments…one every other week. The side effects are not too bad, and he says I should react about the same as I did last time. The kids aren’t really happy I’m having to do this (of course, neither am I), but I just have to remind them that it’s the best way to keep me healthy.

I go back to the surgeon next week, and will hopefully get the okay to drive and find out when I can return to work. I’m getting a little stir crazy being at home this much!

Thanks for continuing on this journey with me!

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4 Responses to Chemo, round 2

  1. amy harian says:

    im always thinking of u

  2. Debbie Kalish says:

    Go Kathryn! Keep charging! We’ll try to keep up!

  3. Cathy Keistler says:

    My prayers are with you for strength and with your family for understanding, acceptance and encouragement. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask. We are there for you!
    Phil.4:13. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
    (PS I am glad to see I am not the only friend who keeps “late night….or is it early morning hours” ?? Love ya!

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